

News articles regarding FOD becoming a qualifying condition with medical cannabis. 2025 NEWS COVERAGE – January, 2025 ILLINOIS APPROVAL OF FOD and 3 additional women’s

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Suzanne Mulvehill, PhD

Suzanne Mulvehill is the Executive Director and Founder of The Female Orgasm Research Institute.
Suzanne, like many women, was affected by orgasm difficulty and the shame associated with it. For more than 30 years, Suzanne sought treatment through traditional talk therapy, including sex therapy and cognitive therapy.
To her own surprise, she discovered healing her orgasm difficulty with cannabis. Her dissertation research is evaluating the effects of cannabis on women who have difficulty orgasming and the results will be published in 2023.

Suzanne sold her international business in 2020 to return to school for her PhD in Clinical Sexology to identify proven pathways to female orgasm. She started and operated multiple international businesses during her career with a specialty in entrepreneurship. She is the author of two books and has consulted and presented to thousands of entrepreneurs throughout the USA and Europe, including being a guest lecturer at universities in the USA, and abroad.

Nan for book

Dr. Nan Wise

Dr. Nan Wise is a certified sex therapist, relationship specialist, neuroscience researcher, and author of Why Good Sex Matters: Understanding the Neuroscience of Pleasure for a Smarter, Happier, and More Purpose-Filled Life. Her dissertation work, Genital Stimulation, Imagery, and Orgasm in Women: An fMRI Analysis, resulted in three published studies. Her research has addressed gaps in the scientific literature regarding the neural basis of human sexuality and, as a result, garnered international attention.


Dr. Nan’s clinical approach addresses how the brain/body/mind operates, highlighting the critical role our evolutionarily wired-in, core, embodied emotions play in our physical and mental well-being. Imbalances in the core emotions have contributed to the epidemics of mood disorders, stress-related illnesses, and a widespread sexual recession.  


Dr. Nan has discussed the pleasure crisis on  The Today Show and contributed her expert opinion to outlets such as The BBC, National Geographic, The Atlantic, Time, Women’s Health, The Washington Post, HuffPost, Well + Good, Romper, Bustle, and has had a regular column in Glamour, Ask Dr. Nan in which she addresses sexual health and relationship topics. She lives in West Orange, NJ.


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